Mask Safety During Pregnancy

Mask Safety During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with its own set of concerns, and staying healthy is a top priority for expecting mothers. With respiratory illnesses and airborne viruses still a concern, many pregnant women wonder about the safety and effectiveness of wearing masks. Understanding...
What You Can Tell from a Full Semen Analysis

What You Can Tell from a Full Semen Analysis

Semen analysis is a crucial diagnostic tool in assessing male fertility and understanding reproductive health. It provides vital information about the quality and quantity of sperm, which can help identify potential causes of infertility and guide appropriate...
What is a Blighted Ovum and How to Avoid It

What is a Blighted Ovum and How to Avoid It

Home A blighted ovum, also known as an anembryonic pregnancy, is a type of early pregnancy loss. It occurs when a fertilized egg implants into the uterus but does not develop into an embryo. While the gestational sac grows and is detectable on an ultrasound, the...